Sunday, May 4, 2008


I'm sitting here watching Tim Russert interview Barrack Obama on Meet the Press, and this idea popped into my head. Hmmm...

It seems "the White man" is always asking "the Black man" to explain racism to him, but totally ignores anything that comes out of his mouth when he tries. Then wonders where the frustration comes from.

How is it not Racism on the media's part to demand Barrack to explain another man's actions for MONTHS, when on the flipside John McCain's satisfactory explanation for his acceptance of JOHN HAGEE's endorsement lasted all but 45 seconds? And it went a little bit like this...he's so silly, but he has a lot of money and influence.

Like I've told many a lady friend throughout life, especially those looking for an "honest man," DON'T ASK A QUESTION YOU DON'T WANT THE ANSWER TO!

I leave you w/ this on this beautiful Sunday morning...

1. If you've made a judgement on Rev. Jeremiah W(as)right without AT LEAST hearing the full "God-damn America" sermon AND the recent speech to the NAACP, you're decision is based on Racist roots.

2. A quick thought on Reparations for Slavery...and this is a quote from a CONSERVATIVE (I forget his name, but he wrote a book "Wrong on Racism") I saw last night on CSPAN. There's no doubt that reparations were due upon the end of slavery, and just because the government decided against it then, does not make the debt void.

The problem comes from NOW, where a lot of Whites are not racist (or as racist), along with no knowledge of their personal family history, have a very hard time accepting responsibility for these atrocities. At the same time, benefiting from them. And yes, EVERY WHITE PERSON has benefited from this government's laws pertaining to Slavery and its aftermath.

Although it's very difficult to accept, we need to. Just think about what future generations will think of our atrocities.


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