Monday, July 30, 2007


Up until recently, I always thought LOYALTY was a very noble and positive trait. For me, it has always been associated with different levels of "family." This would include, but not limited to, family blood lines, sports teams you happen to be a part of, organizations, military service, true friendship. Fill in the blank for yourselves, but I'm sure you get the picture. Loyalty enhanced motivation. Working TOGETHER for a common goal, where each one's contribution is of equal importance. When someone is counting on us, we tend to put forth greater effort to avoid letting down those involved. It's much more gratifying to share in the successful result with others than alone. We are a community people and require contact with others to be truly happy. You can see this in action in any high school in the cliques, groups, and "loners." It's very important to us to be part of something greater. Right or wrong.

I am usually guilty of being loyal to a fault. This is mainly because I don't participate in activities that I don't truly believe in. If I'm involved with ANYTHING, I contribute relentlessly to accomplish whatever it may be. I consider this an elementary attribute of an effective leader.

With that being said, I'm very troubled with the NEW kind of loyalty being exhibited by members (cronies) of our current administration. It's no surprise that people in such positions of power are going to push moral and ethical limitations to maintain their current standing. if you haven't figured it out already, I'm referring to our Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. This guy is an absolute disgrace; the epitome of selling your soul to the devil. As much as I despise Judge Judy, I'd like to give her a shot at him.That's because he deserves the type of scrutiny only she can deliver. I know it hasn't been proven that he's lied UNDER OATH to Congress, but come on. Anyone who knows anything about communication knows that it's the NON-VERBALS that tell the true story. To the parents out there, if you were questioning your child, and they were tap-dancing like Mr. Gonzalez, what would you conclude?

Mr Bush is well-known for his loyalty to his loyalists. Rumsfeld? Libby? Miers? Even though ALL these people, including Bush, took an oath to the CONSTITUTION, they all seem to have this allegiance to Bush (and his agenda/ideology.) This blind-loyalty even seeps out of these people's mouths. Remember SARAH TAYLOR? And how can Harriet Miers, former Supreme Court Justice nominee, IGNORE A CONGRESSIONAL SUBPOENA? She's a lawyer; she must know the consequences of this. This looks like a group of people working together towards the same goal. I just wonder what that is because it's obviously not to defend the Constitution.

One last thing that bewilders me is Mr Bush's selective loyalty. How can he say that he 's listening to the "Generals on the ground" when any of them that do not show the loyalty he demands, gets the boot. Then he places another one of his loyalists in the position, so he can say that he's listening to the General (he put) on the ground.

Something just doesn't smell right...

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yesterday I watched BORN INTO BROTHELS. I wanted to see this flick for a while now. I wasn't disappointed and highly recommend it. I liken it to CITY OF GOD. Both films/documentaries shed a little light on the conditions some CHILDREN are born into and then how they play the hand they were dealt. Amazing to me. At such a young age, making life/death decisions that the majority of American children would "cry till they die" when faced with. A great testament to the will within us all.

I keep hearing this statistic HALF OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION LIVES ON $2 A DAY. Think about it. It puts our minimum wage into perspective; no matter how tough we think we have it here in America, there are people that face death everyday. And not from HEART DISEASE AND CANCER. It's famine and diseases caused by poor hygiene. I have been to two places that would fall into this economic category: MOZAMBIQUE for a month and a half and PANAMA for a year. If this is completely new to you, I would recommend checking out HOW UNEQUAL CAN AMERICA GET BEFORE WE SNAP

The above brought me to realize how much I've been been focusing on what I don't have and what I feel I'm losing lately. So I want to just share a few reasons why I'm THANKFUL.

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Being born in the United States is definitely a blessing of some level. Although I have so many "complaints" about this country, the mere fact that I can express this dissent publicly is part of why this country is so great. A big reason why people want to come here so badly is privacy. The real American Dream is "leave me the hell alone." Something we definitely take for granted. I also see being born here as a blessing because we have no choice in the matter. It's random for the most part and should not be overlooked. Some think that because they were born here, they have some kind of superiority over those who did not. That I have a problem with. Just being born here doesn't give you any kind of entitlement.

My name, Jose. There's so much more to a name. If your name isn't Jim, Bob, Mike, or Bill, your name is pretty much a different paradigm. My elementary school years were spent in a "Black school." And being called Jose in that environment was ok and actually worked to my advantage. Even though my skin tone would easily fit into the Bob/Bill category, just having the name Jose gave me "different" status. In the 9th grade, I moved to a "primarily White school." Even though my personality can fit into any "group" or "clique," it got to the point where my life was much easier just to go by the name Joe. On top of the questions coming from other kids, I had questions of my own. Then later in life, it's kind of amazing to experience the difference between "Jose on the phone" and "Joe in person." All these challenges gave me a greater insight into the prejudices and discrimination people face. And like with anything, you are more interested when you are a victim of something to want to change it.

I also consider being "artsy" a blessing. As much as I love to write, and consider it art, WORDS have limitations. And those who only express themselves verbally are limiting themselves. Artistic expression taps into other parts of the brain that also need release. We do not think in words; there are so many other aspects of our being outside of words. I'm sure everyone has gone through a time when they were so emotional about something and couldn't "find the words." For example, crying may be the best way to express how you feel at that time. Whether making or observing art of any type brings an emotional reaction. That's why it's so easy to categorize it; you can feel the emotion put into it by the artist. It's universal. Those who can't understand the arts are usually parallel to those who believe they can only use 10% of their brains.

Those are just a few of the things that I am thankful for. It's not all inclusive by any means, but they are worthy of my gratitude.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007


This started as a bulletin, but I couldn't post it.





I'd like to start HERE.




...and ANYTHING else you may think of. There has to be something you don't understand about another race. Grown folks talking about race like we want to FIX IT. This is very difficult for some, I know, to have an intellectual conversation about race. But the ignorant are not going to change things.

To be VERY cliche, this is gonna be a "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" moment. I'd like to open up the floor and discuss our racial perceptions.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007



Two Races, Two Systems of Justice in Louisiana

Posted on Jul 17, 2007

By Amy Goodman

Last week in Detroit, the NAACP held a mock funeral for the N-word. But a chilling case in Louisiana shows us how far we have to go to bury racism. This story begins in the small central Louisiana town of Jena. Last September, a black high school student requested the school's permission to sit beneath a broad, leafy tree in the hot schoolyard. Until then, only white students sat there.

The next morning, three nooses were hanging from the tree. The black students responded en masse. Justin Purvis, the kid who first sat under the tree, told filmmaker Jacquie Soohen: "They [other black students] said, 'Y'all want to go stand under the tree?' We said, 'Yeah.' They said, 'If you go, I'll go. If you go, I'll go.' One person went, the next person went, everybody else just went."

Then the police and the district attorney showed up. Substitute teacher Michelle Rogers recounts: "District Attorney Reed Walters proceeded to tell those kids that 'I could end your lives with the stroke of a pen.' "

It didn't happen for a few more months, but that is exactly what the district attorney is trying to do.

Jena, a community of 4,000, is about 85 percent white. While the black community gathered at a church to respond, others didn't see the significance. Soohen interviewed Jena town librarian Barbara Murphy, who reflected: "The nooses? I don't even know why they were there, what they were supposed to mean. There's pranks all the time, of one type or another, going on. And it just didn't seem to be racist to me." Tensions rose.

Robert Bailey, a black student, was beaten up at a white party. Then, a few nights later, Robert and two others were threatened by a white man with a sawed-off shotgun at a convenience store. They wrestled the gun away and fled. Robert's mother, Caseptla Bailey, said: "I know they were in fear of their lives. They were afraid that this man was going to shoot them, you know, especially in the back, running away from the scene."

The next day, Dec. 4, 2006, a fight broke out at the school. A white student was injured, taken to the hospital and released. Robert Bailey and five other black students were charged ... with second-degree attempted murder. They each faced 100 years in prison. The black community was reeling.

Independent journalist Jordan Flaherty was the first to break the story nationally. He explained: "I'm sure it was a serious fight, and I'm sure it deserved real discipline within the school system, but he [the white student] was out later that day. He was smiling. He was with friends ... it was a serious school problem that came on the heels of a long series of other events ... as soon as black students were involved, that's when the hammer came down."

The African-American community began to call them the Jena Six. The first to be tried was Mychal Bell, 17 years old and a talented football player who was looking forward to a university scholarship. Bell was offered a plea deal, but he refused it. His father, Marcus Jones, took a few minutes off from work to talk to me: "Here in LaSalle Parish, whenever a black man is offered a plea bargain, he is innocent. That's a dead giveaway here in the South."

Right before the trial, the charges of second-degree attempted murder were lowered to aggravated battery, which under Louisiana law requires a dangerous weapon. The weapon? Tennis shoes.

Mychal Bell was convicted by an all-white jury. His court-appointed defense attorney called no witnesses. Bell will be sentenced on July 31; he faces a possible 22 years. The remaining five teens, several of whom were jailed for months, unable to make bail, still face second-degree attempted murder charges and a hundred years each in prison.

Flaherty, who grew up in New Orleans, sums up the case of the Jena Six: "I don't think there is anyone around that would doubt that if this had been a fight between black students or a fight of white students beating up a black student, you would never be seeing this. It's completely about race. It's completely about two systems of justice."

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco gained national prominence during Hurricane Katrina. There's another hurricane that's devastating the lives of her constituents: racism. The families of the Jena Six are asking her to intervene. District Attorney Walters says he can end the boys' lives with his pen. But Gov. Blanco's pen is mightier. She should wield it, now, for justice for the Jena Six.

Amy Goodman is the host of "Democracy Now!," a daily international TV/radio news hour airing on 500 stations in North America.

© 2007 Amy Goodman; distributed by King Features Syndicate

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Thursday, July 19, 2007



Each and every Sunday from 12-2, I will be sitting outside my STATE CAPITOL BUILDING IN HARRISBURG, PA in a t-shirt, reading ENOUGH and a sign with what it is I've had enough of.

I got this idea from THE YOUNG TURKS. They've already been doing this and have inspired many, including me, to participate. I haven't organized anything; it's just going to be ME and maybe two or three others. It's time to SHOW AND PROVE! We have to start showing the government that we STRONGLY DISAGREE with everything they're doing. It will also show them that we're NOT SCARED.

There's over 300 million people in this country. The fact that we can't get 1 million together to express our true feelings is rather pathetic (and apathetic.) There are no more excuses. There is nothing MORE IMPORTANT than your freedom. No clearance sales, no weddings, no sporting events, NOTHING! If we don't physically stand up NOW, there's not going to be a tomorrow for us to stand up for.

And many of you may think that I'm over-reacting, but I'd be willing to bet you DO NOT follow politics as closely as I do. EVERYDAY your right are diminishing more and more. And it's getting to the point where REACTION is going to be illegal. Have you heard of the PRESIDENTIAL ADVANCE MANUAL? How about the Executive Order Mr Bush signed yesterday, "BLOCKING PROPERTY OF CERTAIN PERSONS WHO THREATEN STABILIZATION EFFORTS IN IRAQ." As always, the words used do not reflect the true meaning of what this means. You probably think "THAT'S NOT ME!" Well, guess now fall into A LOT of categories, that could get you locked up, that you are not aware of.

In the simplest terms I can put this into:
MAY: Mr Bush's PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE 51, gives him "dictatorial powers" in the even of a national emergency, defined by him.
JULY: Secretary/CEO of Homeland Security(Inc.), Michael Chertoff and MY former senator Richard "DICK" Santorum have "GUT FEELINGS" of terrorist attacks THIS SUMMER!

And do you see ANY fear in the faces of Mr Bush or Mr Cheney? Hmmm...

With that said, I'm working on my sign. Here are a FEW of the things I'm fed up with. Please let me know if I forgot anything.


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HOPE'S time has passed...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


In Europe and America they came for the Communists
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Roma,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Roma.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Negros,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Negro.
Then they came for the Asians
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an Asian.
Then they came for the Arabs & the Muslims,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an Arab or a Muslim.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't in a union.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant
Then they came for the asylum-seekers,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an asylum-seeker.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
-Pastor Martin Niemoller

Courage means many things to many people. Some people don't even have their own definition of courage; they just relate it to acts done by others. We don't like to feel uncomfortable; and to me, that's the only time you can exercise your own courage. You can't truly be comfortable without the affects of courage, either your own or someone else's. Courage comes BEFORE comfort. It's not easy by any means. That's why so many around the world live oppressed. Even though their lives are horribly uncomfortable, it's easier to remain as they are than to build up the courage to incite change. And as hard as that may be to comprehend for Americans, it may be THEIR best choice. But it's not for us! Others may know nothing else, even outside of their situation. May it be their government, social structure, economy, natural resources, or any other of countless perceptions/realities that keep them "in their place." And I can understand THAT. But I cannot understand how people (especially Americans) can idly stand by while everything they claim to love and hold so dear quietly diminishes.

I've used the term APATHY more in the last six months than I have the other 32.5 years of my existence here on earth. And I'm not using it just because I learned a new word. It's true. AMERICANS DO NOT CARE! At least not enough do. I believe the MAJORITY are so used to depending on "someone else" to fight for them, to stand up for them, to exercise THEIR Constitutional responsibilities for them, (and the list goes on and on), that they now believe that this is THE WAY. IT'S NOT! We, as a culture, love to point the finger, so we don't have to be held accountable for OUR actions (or more times than not our INACTIONS.) This mindset of "one person can't make a difference" is COMPLETELY untrue and is a result of brainwashing. For people as a whole to accomplish anything, it starts with the individual. It's rather simple. But unfortunately, not as simple as our current mindset of sitting on the couch, complaining and watching brain-mushing reality TV. THINK! It's what separates you from your family DOG!

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Whew...not that I got that out...from where did it come? Amongst all the other issues causing my frustration, these two stories really sent me over the edge this week. Firstly, my ex-governor and Secretary (CEO) of Homeland Security (Inc.) admitted to falsely elevating the terrorist threat levels. This is abuse of this system for political gain. For those like me who never paid any attention to this system, it may not seem like that big of a deal. But I am amongst a very small (but growing) minority. And to those who may not be as "informed" as I, this will make them grab their water and duct tape and await the president's instructions. And (very) coincidentally it happens around election time.

Secondly, former US Surgeon General Richard Carmona admits to being censored by the administration. Absolutely disgusting! And if burying ANYTHING to do with science isn't bad enough, he was also told to include the president's name THREE TIMES ON EACH PAGE on any report he was able to complete. What! How arrogant! Remind you of anyone?
And the icing on the cake was that Carmona was forbidden to attend the Special Olympics because of the affiliation with the Kennedy's. And they didn't want to support that.

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It's TIME! Everyone needs to take personal responsibility. Hold yourself accountable first. Then, do your part to inform those that have fallen VICTIM to the propaganda. And yes, it is PROPAGANDA! That is not a Nazi term. Although they used it to perfection, they didn't invent it. And it's not just posters anymore. TV is 98% propaganda. Don't be foolish. The marketing and public relation firms are now nothing but psychologists holding the carrot in front of the ASS (or horse if you prefer.)

The election will be here in no time, and the spin-meisters are gearing up to scare the HELL out of the uninformed. We've seen what happens when we sit back and HOPE our government will act with integrity. Bury your doubts and prepare to fight for what you believe in. Know what you believe in! It will take COURAGE, but you are not alone.


Thursday, July 12, 2007


How is it that we can talk with no words?

Talk about things that others find absurd?

It's almost scary, the amount of similarity

We share and don't care what the World will say.

When together, I feel tougher than leather.

Like it's OUR day.

Not the type of day as measured by clocks,

But a day that makes you walk city blocks

in the middles of the night, but don't admit your lost.

Because you're not. You're right where you wanna be.

Alongside me. Even if we are searching endlessly.

For what? Not sure. Just realizing there's something to search for;

Something pure.

That's reason enough to perch like a bird, not listen to everything you heard

Look down from your branch, investigating the chance

That you can be happy by being yourself; no gimmicks, no masks.

What you feel is real; no matter who asks.

Living life your way with no remorse; staying the course

Knowing the horse pulling your carriage will lead you to marriage.

Finding, or being found by, someone who understands

Your plans, your stance; What makes you wanna dance.

Always knows how to bring a smile to your face,

Eyes that can take you to a special place; no need to race.

Keep a steady pace; You're on a similar path.

No need to do the math; There's no subtraction or division.

Only multiplication and addition because you share the same life mission.

Your paths are leading you to that place, maybe in space,

Where you can only be happy; finally get a taste

of what's forever piqued your curiosity. Whatever the case,

you can't settle for mediocrity. You've already dismissed it.

Kissed it goodbye. So reach high. No matter how it seems,

Your dreams are within arm's length. Use your spiritual strength.

These just happened to be my thoughts at the time, coincidentally they happened to rhyme.

Now is your time. I can feel it, so don't conceal it. No one can steal it.

You have full control. Sure, life will take it's toll. But that's half of the whole.

You are what you feel. Others feel what you are. Far from sub-par.

But that's an earthly measurement, so it only goes so far. How do you fit within the stars?

Heavenly you are, my personal Mars. Would you prefer Jupiter? OK, time to go

I'm getting stupider.

To wrap everything up, I wanna sip from your cup. I offer you mine

And with the cooperation of time, we will be the grand design.

Your mind and mine will shine until a time when lemons and limes

Are considered relative of some kind. Apples and oranges will not be two different

Topics. We'll sweep it and mop it till it's all in one pile that goes on for miles,

Like tiles on the universal floor. There's more. I'm really on a roll here.

Hopefully, making myself clear that i think you're special. Not the blue-light

variety. But good for society. Free from anxiety, if you let yourself be.

Able to live in harmony, just set yourself free.

Troops are Human

In the wake of yet another POLITICS BEFORE PEOPLE decision by those that "represent" us, I wanted to point out what a lot of people don't seem to understand. The term "troop(s)" is used so often that it gets lost in translation that these are actually PEOPLE. They're not (yet) disposable robots built by the DoD, or even HELLiburton for that matter. They're your family, friends, and neighbors. And the decision of the REPUBLICANS to deny the people of the Armed Forces satisfactory R & R is absolutely DISGUSTING! It's inhumane and borders on slavery. How can this be anything other than partisan politics? Republicans = pro-war; Democrats = anti-war. The details of any of the issues seem to be irrelevant. This is an outrage. How can you vote in good conscience against giving a human being ample time to recover from being in a war zone? At the same time, tours have been extended without any outcry.

Is it that Republicans are not of the same species as non-republicans? I can't fathom how you can live with yourself while treating these people like puppets. If you're not upset at the how the troops are being USED, you must either be rich enough where you're confident enough that the military will NEVER be an option for anyone in your immediate circle, or you base your beliefs on what is fed to you through TV. For those with the untouchable status, please step out of your bubble and take a look around. Although, you will never go to the "southside of town," it's still a part of your city and country. And the fears you have about that side of town is a direct result of you segregating yourself from it. Why not contribute to society, so everyone can share your status? Wouldn't it be a much more civil society? Nobody wins when you sin.

And for the TV-educated crowd, pick up a book...PLEASE! America is not accurately portrayed through your propaganda box. For example, US soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen are dying EVERYDAY. And when was the last time you've seen the caskets coming home? The closest you get is the occasional story about how they do not show them on TV. Just a coincidence? NO! These images of our dying servicemen and women are intentionally kept out of your sight to keep you in line. If you saw the reality of the situation, you wouldn't stand for it. A majority use the fact that we lost 3,000+ people on 9-11 as justification to "stay the course." Well, guess what...the number of military personnel KILLED has reached, if not exceeded, this number. Is that the REVENGE you were hoping for?

And when the TROOPS are not being completely ignored, they're used as tools to support the cause (whatever that may be.) For those with a short memory, remember our beloved (for the moment) montaineer, Jessica Lynch? Or what about the blatant cover up of the death of ex-NFL player, Pat Tillman? They might as well have spit on his grave! We all witnessed how the Democrats were attacked for not supporting the troops during the debate of whether to vote on the latest defense bill when the exact opposite was true. Supporting the troops is getting them out of harm's way. Why is that so hard to comprehend? "SUPPORTING THE TROOPS" is political rhetoric!And another insult to our intelligence is the NEED for debate on whether to LOWER THE FLAGS ON FEDERAL BUILDINGS to honor the ultimate sacrifices made by the citizens of the US, who decided to serve in the military. The fact that there were objections to observing the deaths of people who GAVE THEIR LIVES defending the right to that objection is a total lack of respect. And in my opinion, a flagrant attempt to cover up the very fact of these deaths. The morals I thought our country were built upon are apparently doublespeak.

Please enlighten me how this is supporting the troops...

Back in 2000, when I was still in the Air Force, a new COMBAT PAY was authorized as a result of continuous long deployments. At the time, it seemed like a move in the right direction to increase pay levels to a point where the military was on level ground with their civilian equivalents. But, of course, there was a loophole authorizing the president to suspend such pay if needed due to NATIONAL SECURITY. And as you might have guessed, shortly after 9-11-2001, it was suspended for the duration of the WAR ON TERROR. ONE STEP FORWARD, TWO STEPS BACK!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...don't feed into this manipulation of the (mis)use of the military, the media, and to a large extent our public school system...

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." ~ Mark Twain


Monday, July 9, 2007

Challenge of Change (1)

With the extended 4th of July we had this year completely behind us, I hope it gave everyone a chance to really think about the meaning of the holiday and compare it to how we're currently honoring this very important day. I'm not speaking about sparklers, bottle rockets, and bbq's either. And I've come to the conclusion that I will no longer use the term "4th of July" when referencing Independence Day. To me, the term "4th of July" fits right into our current culture of entertainment and anti-substance. Ask your friends and family what they think about when they hear the term. PARTY TIME! Another reason to drink alcohol, eat food that's terrible for us, and blindly celebrate our independence. I'd be willing to bet that a lot of folks don't even know they are the same holiday.

Now that I got that out of my system, I'd like to share a conversation I had with someone this past weekend that really opened my eyes to the challenge I (and you) face. I went to my mom's house this weekend for a cookout and got to talking about Bush, voting, etc., etc. with her fiancee. Fortunately, he's not a Neo-Con or anything like that. As most of us know, that's a completely different discussion (that usually goes nowhere.) He is anti-Bush, a veteran, and has NEVER voted. We started discussing the Day of Action rally I went to and what it was all about. He agreed that it was a good thing to do and that he understood why I would do such a thing. But then he goes on to say that even though it was a good thing, it doesn't really make that big of a difference. ALL POLITICIANS ARE THE SAME. That's why he never voted. And of course I couldn't let that one go by unmolested. I don't want to bore you with the bantering back and forth, but I do want to let you know where I had the most problems trying to CHANGE (not the person, but) the thought process.


1) We rarely get greater than 55% voter turnout.

2) If you're dissatisfied by what you see, how can you expect it to change, without YOU changing?

3) You have a RESPONSIBILITY to participate in government

4) Freedom is not guaranteed; and it should not be taken for granted.

5) Local government is as important, if not more, as Federal.

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The difficulty of change is no secret. People naturally gravitate into their "comfort zones," and hope against change. Everything from an increase to the (former) PA Occupational Privilege Tax to a player from your favorite team going elsewhere, it's difficult to accept. Through time and understanding, we realize that this is the new reality that must be accepted. I feel we're at the point of making our own change. And with that, will come the challenge of those in their comfort zones to realize the new reality. The new reality will be here soon enough; we have to accept the responsibility to be a part (not apart) of this change.

I'm confident that all who want to be a part of this change are going to have to be very persistent towards those who do not care. And the above issues I ran into will be pretty consistent across the board. The following is some guidance for your future encounters, and I welcome your contributions.

1) Imagine if everyone that shares your views, and disgust, with the current state of the Democratic process voted. The majority of people that vote are seniors. We need to take a page from their book. They've lived through what we are living through now, and they vote in larger numbers with more efficiency than the younger demographics.

2) If you're dissatisfied with the results of what you have done, and are currently doing, isn't it logical that you must make adjustments? You cannot consistently mix a chocolate cake and expect vanilla. Adapt-it's a primary human trait.

3) You can't have it both ways (anymore). You can no longer say you love America because of its Constitutional freedoms, and ignore what the document says about protecting them.

4) We are losing more and more freedoms everyday. See the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, Net Neutrality, Mandatory Psychiatric Evaluations of children, The stripping of Habeas Corpus, Torture, Intolerance of minorities, etc., etc.

5) See my previous blog, WHO REPRESENTS YOU?

This is, if nothing else, a starting point. Hopefully, it can be used as a forum to reference in the future. We all need to be educated and PREPARED when trying to explain to people the importance of OUR TIME and the responsibilities OUR GENERATION are accepting. Change is imminent; let's be a part of it before we have no choice at all. By taking action NOW, which consists mainly of informing people and waking them up to the way of the new century.

Imagine if 18-24 year-olds were aware of the power they have instead of being sidetracked by the entertainment industry. It won't be easy, but nothing worth a damn ever is.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

My Deal...

What's my deal? Why am I here? What's my angle? In a nutshell, my deal is being fed up with the state of our government, trying to inform as many people as possible about what's going on under our noses, and trying to get folks to stand up and accept the responsibilities that go along with freedom. My angle is from an informed citizen who's had enough of the corruption, cronyism, and good ol' boy networks to take a stand and fight for what I believe is right. I usually look at issues from the bottom up, mostly because that's MY angle. I'm not here to whine and complain and bring those who read down to my level. Without a doubt, I am very frustrated with the direction of our country. And although I feel most of the blame should be pointed at the Bush administration, I'm not gonna fill up the lines of my blogs with hater-ation. If I have thought about a topic long enough where I feel the need to write on it, then I'll also take the time to research a possible solution. I'm not asking anyone to agree with everything I say/write either. I welcome DEBATE. And honestly, I HOPE someone can enlighten me on the concerns I have. In the same breath, no amount of name-calling will do that.

Here are a few of the concerns I currently have:

Those are a few of many. I invite anyone's feedback, and I will not censor. In the next few days, I'm going to repost some earlier written blogs in order to put them in front of a broader audience. I look forward to meeting new people, intelligent debate, and continuing to awaken as many people to the facts of our world today.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

whO rEprEsEnts yOU?

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As I read through the blogs everyday, I see a lot of passion, research, frustration, and pride. I also see a lot of confusion about what can actually be done. As much of a release these blogs are, whether you're writing or reading, they're only the beginning of what we need to do. It's fantastic that these ideas are even being expressed and shared. And as well-intentioned as they may be, we can't be satisfied with this. Don't get me wrong, it's a great way to disseminate info very quickly to people who might not have the time or aptitude to find these topics on their own. We have to understand that this is only a seed, from which the real movement will stem. And I truly believe, for citizens of our level, to be taken seriously it's a NECESSITY that our local and state government officials accurately reflect our views. We are at the bottom of the political spectrum and looked down upon as (intentionally) miseducated, apathetic followers. And it can be measured by the policies of our government at the local levels. Your local government is essentially your credibility when it comes to participating in higher level government.

The majority of people are not satisfied with the state of our union and want radical change. Where do you think our power, as The People, comes from? We have to prove our credibility through our understanding of how our government works. Of course, we want change NOW. In order to achieve this, we have to pay our dues, exercise our rights, and "show and prove" that we are competent and we'll fight for what we believe in. We cannot go straight to the TOP as much as we'd like to believe we can. If we can't orchestrate the government to benefit us on the smallest of levels, how can we expect to challenge the most powerful (and corrupt) politicians ever to grace our planet. Think about it...

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Involvement in our local governments is what is going to begin the change that we all want so badly. We have to forget about the propaganda of "I can't make a difference, "My vote doesn't count, "All politicians are corrupt," etc., etc. Instead, we have to be persistent and accept the responsibilities the Constitution has bestowed upon us as Americans. WE regulate GOVERNMENT!!! Remember? This is THE FOUNDATION of our Constitution, which is slowly being taken away from us as a direct result of our inaction. Our locally elected officials vote on ALL these issues that are driving us insane! Two questions for you: 1) Do you know who represents you? 2) Do you know how they are voting? If you don't know the answer to these two questions, you're NOT doing your part. These officials are representing US to the powers-that-be. If we are not holding these people accountable for their votes, representing US, we're doing ourselves and future generations a great injustice.

Since I'm not one to bring a problem to the table without a possible resolution, I offer you this TOOL. I understand that we don't always have the time to research what our local officials are doing, but it doesn't dismiss our responsibility to know. This site not only tells you WHO your representatives are, but also sends you an email of everything they do. And the best part is you can email them directly from the email you receive. This will allow us to "stay in the loop" and hold these people accountable. We have to start bombarding our senators and representatives with letters, emails, and phone calls expressing our concerns. This is how we really can be heard and accurately represented. We need to start using THEM as the tools, as was originally intended. We are the majority, and we need to start acting like it. If we have a strong base (lower tiers of government), we will be way more powerful when trying to ignite change amongst higher level government. KNOWLEDGE (put into action) is KING!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

mY dAY Of (rE)ActIOn!

As I've previously written, I had such high hopes for the first (of many) rallies/protests I plan to attend. And I use "attended" purposely, versus participated in. From the second I first made up my mind that I was going to DC to express my concern over the Military Commissions Act of 2006, and how this strategically-titled LAW is destroying our liberties, I felt a sense of involvement. I thought I was one of many people who had just had enough, and were going to the CAPITAL to have our peace heard. I had no idea how many people were actually going to be in attendance. But the anticipation and adrenaline running through me during the buildup, took over. And as many folks do, I set my expectations WAY too high.

And although I was initially let down, there are definitely some lessons to be learned from this experience. To give you an idea, here's the biggest group of people I could get in a photo.

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Not THIS, by any means. But it was a few THOUSAND, and that alone gives you a feeling of heading in the right direction. That EXPERIENCE of being a part of something greater (the collective), has left me wanting more. Being there for a cause I truly believed in, and listening to the SPEAKERS, was like a re-fueling of my SPIRIT. I have to admit, my tanks of optimism, purpose, hope, amongst others have been pretty low recently. And it's not because of the PRICES! Being someone VERY interested in the betterment of society and realizing the POLITICS involved (IMO against) with just about everything that doesn't make a buck, it's enough for ME to start doing something about it. And I applaud everyone, of any era, who has ever rallied, protested, tagged a wall, or anything that made their cause real--and worth fighting for. Just like "The Troops," you get THAT level of respect. The troops are PROTECTING the Constitution, while you EXERCISE IT! Neither is easy; but I believe the original intent of THE DOCUMENT was to ensure FREEDOM for the American People, through inalienable rights. No matter what, you had these. We're getting utterly close to a point where you're not going to have a choice whether you want to participate.

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View of the Capitol from the rally (Upper Senate Park).
These two pictures represent to me how we don't get the FULL PICTURE. The branches getting ever so close, and parts where I could once see are gone. There goes my freelance philosophy again. And another cynical metaphor.
Not a lesson learned, but a question born was some of the DC license plates. They read TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

"DMV encourages all DC residents to support DC's quest for full representation in the US Congress by purchasing and displaying 'Taxation without Representation' vehicle tags." Huh?

To me, this is comparable to a "red-blooded, All-American, Philadelphia Eagles Fan" sporting a #81 Cowboys Jersey to show how much he loves the Eagles. Wouldn't it be more appropriate for the license plates to read "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION?" Please enlighten me...

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WW II Memorial
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In these times we're living in, I'm happy just to know a politician like DENNY K even EXISTS. This was, without a doubt, the highlight of the day. He made a very brief speech, but got the biggest support. To hear someone with ANY power say the things he says, let's me know there still is hope. And change can happen. I know DK is far from the favorite in this Presidential race, but even if he doesn't get elected he's still a VOICE that needs to be heard. Whoever gets elected, would be wise to appoint him to a high office within the administration. He'll be a vital, COMPETENT asset in the (overdue) clean up stages of the US Presidency. Although my support is with Kucinich, I still realize the potential and importance of others. Al Gore would make a good Secetary of Energy, wouldn't he? I think Gore is far more valuable OUTSIDE the Oval Office. There are A LOT of different Universal Healthcare Plans out there right now. I'd hate to see after the election, all this research disappear. I never did understand why John Edwards faded into oblivion after the 2004 race. These issues are not important to us just around election time; if you keep talking, we'll keep listening.

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"A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate." --Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774. ME 1:209, Papers 1:134

"[Our] object is to secure self-government by the republicanism of our constitution, as well as by the spirit of the people; and to nourish and perpetuate that spirit. I am not among those who fear the people. They and not the rich are our dependence for continued freedom." --Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:39

"Under the law of nature, all men are born free, every one comes into the world with a right to his own person, which includes the liberty of moving and using it at his own will. This is what is called personal liberty, and is given him by the Author of nature, because necessary for his own sustenance." --Thomas Jefferson: Legal Argument, 1770. FE 1:376

There's a lot to be said about Thomas Jefferson. And it seems like everyone has their favorite Jefferson quotes. They all have the same spirit and cause it seems. You can get a good feel of the nature of the guy. Based on the direction our current administration is taking us, it seems like his memorial is now a jail cell (as seen above.) And what he stands for is "off the streets," to KEEP US SAFE. Out of sight, out of mind.

In order for those of us that currently give a damn to be as effective as possible, it's our DUTY (like the troops) to seek justice and keep our government working FOR us. That's in addition to disseminating accurate information and let your fellow citizens know the consequences of their inaction. Being stuck in this paradigm of the small-but-knowing is tough, without a doubt. We have to accept and embrace this responsibility as our contribution to the struggle of American Freedom. It's imperative WE do this since the media does not want to honor their duty to exercise the First Amendment in favor of the people.