Monday, July 9, 2007

Challenge of Change (1)

With the extended 4th of July we had this year completely behind us, I hope it gave everyone a chance to really think about the meaning of the holiday and compare it to how we're currently honoring this very important day. I'm not speaking about sparklers, bottle rockets, and bbq's either. And I've come to the conclusion that I will no longer use the term "4th of July" when referencing Independence Day. To me, the term "4th of July" fits right into our current culture of entertainment and anti-substance. Ask your friends and family what they think about when they hear the term. PARTY TIME! Another reason to drink alcohol, eat food that's terrible for us, and blindly celebrate our independence. I'd be willing to bet that a lot of folks don't even know they are the same holiday.

Now that I got that out of my system, I'd like to share a conversation I had with someone this past weekend that really opened my eyes to the challenge I (and you) face. I went to my mom's house this weekend for a cookout and got to talking about Bush, voting, etc., etc. with her fiancee. Fortunately, he's not a Neo-Con or anything like that. As most of us know, that's a completely different discussion (that usually goes nowhere.) He is anti-Bush, a veteran, and has NEVER voted. We started discussing the Day of Action rally I went to and what it was all about. He agreed that it was a good thing to do and that he understood why I would do such a thing. But then he goes on to say that even though it was a good thing, it doesn't really make that big of a difference. ALL POLITICIANS ARE THE SAME. That's why he never voted. And of course I couldn't let that one go by unmolested. I don't want to bore you with the bantering back and forth, but I do want to let you know where I had the most problems trying to CHANGE (not the person, but) the thought process.


1) We rarely get greater than 55% voter turnout.

2) If you're dissatisfied by what you see, how can you expect it to change, without YOU changing?

3) You have a RESPONSIBILITY to participate in government

4) Freedom is not guaranteed; and it should not be taken for granted.

5) Local government is as important, if not more, as Federal.

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The difficulty of change is no secret. People naturally gravitate into their "comfort zones," and hope against change. Everything from an increase to the (former) PA Occupational Privilege Tax to a player from your favorite team going elsewhere, it's difficult to accept. Through time and understanding, we realize that this is the new reality that must be accepted. I feel we're at the point of making our own change. And with that, will come the challenge of those in their comfort zones to realize the new reality. The new reality will be here soon enough; we have to accept the responsibility to be a part (not apart) of this change.

I'm confident that all who want to be a part of this change are going to have to be very persistent towards those who do not care. And the above issues I ran into will be pretty consistent across the board. The following is some guidance for your future encounters, and I welcome your contributions.

1) Imagine if everyone that shares your views, and disgust, with the current state of the Democratic process voted. The majority of people that vote are seniors. We need to take a page from their book. They've lived through what we are living through now, and they vote in larger numbers with more efficiency than the younger demographics.

2) If you're dissatisfied with the results of what you have done, and are currently doing, isn't it logical that you must make adjustments? You cannot consistently mix a chocolate cake and expect vanilla. Adapt-it's a primary human trait.

3) You can't have it both ways (anymore). You can no longer say you love America because of its Constitutional freedoms, and ignore what the document says about protecting them.

4) We are losing more and more freedoms everyday. See the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, Net Neutrality, Mandatory Psychiatric Evaluations of children, The stripping of Habeas Corpus, Torture, Intolerance of minorities, etc., etc.

5) See my previous blog, WHO REPRESENTS YOU?

This is, if nothing else, a starting point. Hopefully, it can be used as a forum to reference in the future. We all need to be educated and PREPARED when trying to explain to people the importance of OUR TIME and the responsibilities OUR GENERATION are accepting. Change is imminent; let's be a part of it before we have no choice at all. By taking action NOW, which consists mainly of informing people and waking them up to the way of the new century.

Imagine if 18-24 year-olds were aware of the power they have instead of being sidetracked by the entertainment industry. It won't be easy, but nothing worth a damn ever is.


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