Wednesday, October 10, 2007

tOrtUrE, sEcrEcY, & xEnOphObIA!

My surprise has long been replaced with sadness. Each time this administration abuses its unchallenged power and "privileges," I lose more and more hope. Yesterday, the Supreme Court TERMINATED the case of Khaled el-Masri, on the WORD of the Bush administration. They claimed STATE SECRETS PRIVILEGE. I can understand the need for such a privilege, BUT it should be substantiated by facts and testimony. During the height of the COLD WAR, this privilege was exercised SIX TIMES, while Bush has used it 39 times since 2001. George LOVES his secrets and privileges.

The arrogance being exhibited by our Supreme-Court appointed president is reflected upon us. Other countries don't see the everyday American who lives their life with respect for others. They see (and unfortunately hear) HIM. We have to stand up and demand accountability. The PATRIOT ACT and the MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT has made the definition, and our stance, of torture a GREY AREA. As a result of this ruling, we've shown the rest of the world that we DON'T CARE about justice. We'll kidnap you (because you're Muslim) while on vacation, fly you to a country (where we denounce THEIR human rights policies), TORTURE you, admit we made a mistake, then deny you any recourse.

We do this all in the name of SECURITY.The rest of the world is not going to put up with this for much longer. We're making MORE enemies with these secret, discriminative policies. I'm sorry, but you can't claim the moral high ground and TORTURE! We're being desensitized to this. ALL independent studies show the ineffectiveness of torture, but as usual FACTS, SCIENCE, and HUMANITY are disregarded. We're at a crossroads, and we CAN'T be silent. This isn't about security or terrorism; it's about HUMANITY!

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If you think that you're safe because you abide by the law or you're not Muslim or of Middle Eastern descent, I urge you to watch this...


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