Saturday, August 8, 2009


People have "their reasons" why they disregard politics. You have a "right" to do that, but don't forget the "responsibilities" that come along with your rights. It's easy to ignore the responsibilities in a democracy. And even easier to complain about the effects of the laws passed by those we ignore.

For many, politics seem so far away (in Washington or Harrisburg). But like anything, ignoring it doesn't make it disappear. We feel the effects whether we acknowledge it or not. And I had the pleasure of getting our voice heard by the highest level in our department. Even if disciplinary action doesn't happen, we've sent our message that we will not accept disrespect and sweatshop conditions. Or LYING!

That could not have been accomplished without the cooperation and inspiration of MANY. If a certain coworker would've named her baby Manhattan, instead of BROOKLYN!, things might not have turned out the same. =) The unity and awareness we've built must continue and be built upon.

I used to be in the frame of mind that "ALL politicians are greedy, corrupt liars." And because of this stance, disregarded politics. Then, I joined the military. This experience enlightened me to world of politics. In the end, it was a MAJOR factor when I decided to get out. Since about 1997, I've been following politics very closely. Our apathy has put us at a severe disadvantage. Hopefully, July 2009 has awaken the masses.

The people are the majority. Not the politicians. Proven by the struggle of PA state workers, politicians do not care about us. Moreover, they do not respect our numbers. This is based on our past and present attitude to accept what they do as "boys will be boys." And in particular in my workplace, "girls will be girls."

Even "office politics" should not be ignored or disregarded. My office is a smaller model of government. And right now we are being ruled by a tyrant. We must take the initiative to be informed to stop CURRENT operations and to prevent them in the future. Monday is going to be a new start for everyone. WE GET PAID THAT DAY TOO!

We will overcome this adversity. Many have before us. I would say the mistakes made by those before us was to forget it, instead of to remember it.


"The only thing we've ever learned from history is that we don't learn from history." ~Anonymous

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