Monday, August 3, 2009


Today was a quiet day in the office. I noticed many empty cubicles. The spirit is gone. There might as well be a rain cloud hovering over the building. It's truly a depressing state. It hurts to smile; and it takes so much energy to do so. Maybe somber is a better way to describe the "workplace."

To make it even worse, our office is DARK. There are about 15 lights out in my section alone. Maybe we cannot order the lights because of the missing budget? Regardless the reason, it makes for a dreary climate.

This ideology of "the way things always have been" seems to trump common sense, simple human nature, and science. There is countless evidence that can be found on the State's OWN websites(including SEAP and Live and Work Well) that prove that our working conditions cause health problems.

Even when brought to the management FACE TO FACE, our concerns are ignored.

So tomorrow, in a best-case scenario, the Governor will sign some sort of budget to "allow" us to be paid. All the information I've read says that we'd receive WHAT WE'VE EARNED in 5 (business) days. That would mean next Tuesday, the 11th, we'd receive OUR money. And then receive our regularly scheduled pay check on the 14th.


That is still a long way off for most. This B-CS could still be the longest week of one's life. Be sure to file your complaint with the USDOL to ensure you get the "damages" the government feels you deserve. Even though we all know you cannot put a price on the damage.


"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." ~ Plato

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