Friday, July 31, 2009


Epiphanies should be rippling across Pennsylvania this morning. Although the State of Pennsylvania (thru SEAP) does not recognize the budget impasse as a "traumatic event," 33,000 HUMANS woke up to the truth. That very sad truth is a missing deposit parallel to the pay stubs issued by their employers.

To many, this will be the "straw that breaks the camel's back." Some will be paralyzed and not able to function, physically or mentally. They won't make it into work today, in hopes that they will be able to recover over the weekend. But also possessing the fear of disciplinary action, which only makes their condition worse. They are not FIT FOR DUTY.

This week, I've had many universal alignments. Tuesday, during an impromptu interview with PJ Reilly of Lancaster Newspapers, I was able to express the facts of the current working conditions. So much so, that it actually made it to print. I was pleased.

"I hope no one gets hurt before (lawmakers and the governor) decide it's urgent (to pass a budget), because it's human nature for people to go into a desperation mode right now," he said. "The amount of stress this is causing people is not being acknowledged, let alone being serviced."

Wednesday morning(DAY 29), this picture is on the FRONT PAGE. Needless to say, I got a lot of feedback throughout the work day. Mostly positive and some cautious and amazed. To take action is ME. But to many others, there is a fear that exists. I can only hope that my actions can break some of their fears. Because only then will we be free.

Also Wednesday, I received a letter from PA Department of Labor and Industry. It caused many different scenarios to blitz through my head before opening it. Most of these scenarios would not have been options a month ago. BEFORE the impasse.

I opened the letter and it was an Availability Survey for the job I applied for back in May. My light at the end of this CAO tunnel may have an end. My interview is scheduled for 8/7.

Wednesday also included the first "outbreak" in the office. I haven't spoken to either of the individuals involved, but this is what I've heard. I am quite familiar with the current situation of the employee, and the supervisor involved has quite the reputation.

The worker was filling out an application for Food Stamps. Imagine the psychological contradictions involved in filing an application for assistance in the very office you WORK. Then have a supervisor(not your own) who has a history of "bullying" workers tell you to complete the application on your break. He lost it. The completely verbal altercation (allegedly)ended in the POLICE being called.

If a 911 call wasn't placed, this is against DPW policy. As stated in the Workplace Violence Memo sent out the previous day.

If a 911 call WAS made, it reinforces the fact that management DOES NOT UNDERSTAND the size or scope of the problems.

To further reinforce either their misunderstanding, or blatant disregard, Thursday (DAY 30) another encounter. Our Virginia-Slim-smokin'-ED approaches me during lunch(MY TIME) to comment on something I did on MY TIME.

VSSED: "So now that you're famous, with your picture on the front of the paper, you're not going to avoid us now are you?"

I wanted to say you don't have to worry about me avoiding you! But instead I calmly replied "it doesn't seem to be enough."

She then says "I'm confident the budget will be signed and we'll get paid the week of the 10th."

I said "that's still 2 weeks away."

She then said something to make it seem like it was next week.

And I told her "No, it's 2 WEEKS." Walked away.

She inspired me SO much that I'm going to take my letter to all the local restaurants and see if they will donate or offer specials to state workers.

You know, the one that ends:

"While this correspondence creates no obligation on the part of you or your business, appreciate any flexibility you can provide to affected employees during the impasse."

And that's not MY grammatical error. WHO appreciates? Apparently not the person who signed this letter. It didn't mean enough to even proofread.

If there is any doubt to anyone that we are in a Depression, please admit it to yourself now. The GOVERNMENT is not paying its employees. And the money keeps going to the banks!

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