Saturday, September 20, 2008


Remember the childhood idiom "Sticks and Stones...?" I don't know its origin, but I know I've heard it my whole life. Many have. So much that you probably believe it, as I did until today. It's ignorant to think that our main communication tool, speech, doesn't hurt. Emotion brings out the worst in people. As much as emotions make us who we are, they also have the ability to completely transform us. Negative emotions are powerful and evil. So much so, that you can't keep them inside; they practically fight their way out.

In the past, before self-expressive arts, humanities and civics curriculums were "cut-back," we could at least vent this energy in a productive way. Now, we have WORDS. Not even SENTENCES.

I've been in the midst of many conversations of white men jokingly discussing being called crackers, honkeys, and the other funny names that have no history, and comparing it to blacks and nigga. There's no debate here.

A thought to ponder though is the fact that projected birth rates and future immigration of non-whites into the US will make this country a a True melting pot by 2042. As this happens, the fear that whites currently have inside will start showing more and more.

As they become the minority, these funny racial slurs aimed at them that can be easily disregarded and laughed-off will turn to the real names that historically define them. I wonder how whites will react to being called


These descriptive words are not easy to ignore. And although not all white people are necessarily actively participating in anything that warrants this backlash, they will feel the effects. It's the inaction that will be balanced by the universe. And much like how these same whites are not currently reaping the benefits of white supremacy economically and deny its existence, they will unknowingly be the target of its end. The whites who put this in place are safe. They've created this system to amass the majority of the world's wealth and that will protect them. Mainly because they can become millionare-hermits.

Denial is the biggest trait of a Racist.

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