Saturday, September 27, 2008


My stance on this bailout: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

And if you're reading this, that should be your stance as well. If you have any worries about this historic economic failure, you're on the wrong side of this scam. No matter HOW hard "times" are, there are always those who still manage to prosper. It's ignorant to think there's no correlation between the two. The prosperous few are profiting as a direct result of the exploitation of the impoverished (and those naive enough to think there's actually a middle class in this country.) You're either IN or OUT.

Interestingly enough, you will never hear a politician of either of the two major PARTIES, refer to the POOR as just that, the poor. Their "enlightened language and superstitious wisdom," defines this demographic as the "under-privileged." UNDER-PRIVILEGED? This logic, subconsciously, makes them the OVER-PRIVILEGED. But no one would EVER fix their mouths to say it.

" be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships." W.E.B. DuBois, 1903.

In his "time," Dr. Dubois' statement here culminates from the aftermath of (the beginning of) the end of slavery. There is a lot to learn from the descendants of African-American Slaves. They've been going through, what's sadly about to happen to the large majority of white people in this country. And the large majority of these folks are the same ones who, TO THIS DAY, deny the existence of white privilege; and they, in no way, are responsible for the current oppression and exploitation of minorities (and in many cases, themselves.) If race plays ANY part in ANY decision you make, that's a problem.

To me, the danger in Racism is not seen in the extreme "skinhead" expression, but in the subtle psychological programming of denial. To disregard the psychological effects of being PROPERTY, being "freed," living under laws where enslavement is STILL a debate, and the history of legal exclusion, is irresponsible and intellectually dishonest. What must be admitted by all is that problems exist, changes are needed, and we are much stronger united.

If this bailout goes through, and the responsibility of paying for the $700 BILLION gambling debt of the same people who are writing the contract, it WILL unite the bottom 90% of our population. We will have no choice.

THE BOTTOM 90% is fundamentally a contradiction of terms. And that should send a message to those who still search for hope and wonder why they cannot be bailed out at the end of every month with just a couple hundred bucks. Just to keep the lights on and add meat to their meals.

How can SO MANY be SO WEAK?

The bottom line, here, is WEALTH. The main reason for the SILENT MAJORITY is the confusion(of) and exclusion(from) Capitalism, and finances in general. "Numbers" is a very complex (and intimidating) paradigm. The universe requires balance; and the success of capitalism is no different.

Those who control the incomprehensible wealth in this country are now asking us to help them out. I don't know about you, but I AIN'T GOT IT. 700 BILLION? Can't do it! Would if I Could! Your FICO's not high enough! After the background check, we the people have decided that it's not in OUR BEST INTEREST to grant you the loan. Not a good BUSINESS decision! We're going in a different direction...

Since we seem to be INVESTING $700 BILLION, I think we would like to invest it in US! Seems crazy, but we would like to see a RETURN, for once. I'd like to see something like this...

700B (money that we must have, right?)
/ (equally distributed to)
131M (taxpayers)
= ( solves the problem by)
5,434 (being given to each of the voluntary investors.)

Investors? The investment goes directly TO BAIL OUT THE BANKS. But instead of the taxpayers being slaves to this "critically necessary" financial commitment, we will all now OWN the banks. Any moves being made by the banks we will know. How you ask? By that check you get in the mail every month.

If the Banks are gonna prosper as the result of this 700 BILLION dollars, then so should WE. The banks will undoubtedly come back, and when they do, let us get a little piece of the pie. This way, it won't hurt so much when you use this money to lend to MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS who choose to use it overseas for jobs Americans used to do. Now if you choose to pay children in China $2/day, you have to split that amongst 131 million other investors.

That's the change we need!


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