Saturday, August 23, 2008

HANOI HILTON: Humility, Humanity, & Hilarity

I've been waiting and wondering when and why Senator McCain was gonna use this most dirty of political tricks. This trick of playing with the emotions of the DUMB/NUMB majority of this country. By exploiting himself and the others that sacrificed in the same manner for longer times. But last weekend, he officially let the cat out of the bag that he is going to use this to win votes. His record, his experience, his general specifics.

Not to downplay his courage and sacrifice (too much), but in terms as that qualifying him as President, that's simple-NOT A CHANCE. I agree with General Wesley Clark.

For example, McCain recently has said that "he knows how to win a war." Based on what? The Vietnam War, as far as I know, is the lone war that the US doesn't mind to admit it's lost. And since he has decided to open the topic of his POW experiences, let's take an honest look at them. 6 years is a long time, no doubt. But it's Smurf pellets compared to the 100 years he's willing to commit towards American Iraqi occupation. Even for those who mistakenly use the logic that his being tortured for 6 years gives him the knowledge to "win a war," a higher-ranking POW in the same camp, Wes Shierman says that "he couldn't really win any battles, but he was a good resister, an honorable one."

I'd be curious to know a better place to measure one's True character than the cliff of life, that must have been Hoa Lo, and continue today in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Graib, and many,many more too secret to have names. And that is how his former brother in arms remembers him. Add to that McCain's recent statements "in the 21st century, nations don't invade other nations," which either is another "senior moment" or total disregard of the circumstances of our CURRENT illegal war.

Bottom 5% of educational peers, maverick, outcast, crashed 5 planes, intellectually inept- the list goes on and on. He doesn't deny any of it.

The Republicans have given us Ronald Reagan, a former actor, who must have been suffering from Alzheimer's while serving to not see the CIA funding a war in Central America by flooding our inner cites with Cocaine, more specifically Crack. Or was it genius to look the other way because of Nancy's "Just Say No" bullshit, and the twisted, oppressive, racist WAR ON DRUGS. Then there's George H W Bush. Just Google George Herbert Walker. Then GW Bush, with his drug and alcohol problems, poor academic performance, and stubborn disregard of everything common-sensical. And we want more Republic leadership, why?

Wouldn't it be a relief, or a change, to have a president that could actually understand the problems and work through them to get to the root of these problems. In my opinion, a white male will never get to the roots of any of the problems that lead to many of these "wars" on this or that.

Obama will not solve this country's problems by any means, but let's not hold intelligence against him. We already tried that "have a beer with him" approach. How'd that work out? I guess we'll see in the coming decades (hopefully).

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