Sunday, August 10, 2008


2008 seems to be just flying by. Seems odd to me that it has been over a year since my Day of Action and 9/15/08 will be one year since I marched down Pennsylvania Ave., with tens of thousands of others, to exercise our rights, express our discontent, and demand impeachment. I must admit that progress has been made in regards to restoring Habeas Corpus. As good as progress is, the problem isn't fixed. And, in my opinion, Impeachment is more important now than ever.

As confused as America, as a whole, seems to be right now, the majority will still proudly (and blindly) rant and rave about being a CHRISTIAN NATION. So to my Christian brothers and sisters, I ask you to take the following events into account. This year, God has taken 2 of the greatest, funniest American comedians EVER - Carlin and Mac. Shoot, even the Iraqi government has quit joking around this year. With that being said, could we not take this as divine intervention? God wants us to start taking life seriously.

To my non-Christian brothers and sisters and those who care about facts, we have to stop "giving passes." We can't continue to let the ignorant, apathetic majority of this country send us to our makers. We must educate our fellow citizens. That's our responsibility. We must also hold our representatives ACCOUNTABLE. If we continue along this same path of helplessness, our only security will come from the government. GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, without the people , leaves the government.

Many Americans are just "sick of Bush." This is an emotional reaction. The mere fact of his absence from office will not fix the problems he's caused. He's put many laws in place that are contrary to true American Values. Not to mention the laws he's broken, and in some cases, the combination of the two. For example, disregarding the FISA requirements of warrants (up to 48 hours after the tap), and then when brought to light , somehow gets immunity for himself and the Corporations that helped him break the law. On top of that, he pretty much spit on government protocol and "checks and balances."

It's irresponsible for us, as citizens, to coast through the rest of this year, distracted by the campaign of the next president, and not hold GW Bush accountable for his disrespect of the Office of President, Constitution, and our reputation as a country.

Both candidates are licking their chops for a chance to be the most powerful leader in the history of the world. We're setting the precedent NOW. If the president in 2030 "wiretaps citizens to keep them safe," he will be doing so based on actions by American citizens in 2001-2008. And people wanna talk about personal responsibility...

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