Sunday, July 20, 2008



Firstly, I tip my hat to this most courageous woman. Jane Mayer. She is a Patriot. Now watch her get attacked in the media.

Now the point(s). On this eve of the FIRST MILITARY COMMISSION TRIAL, please try and comprehend the importance of these trials and what has led us to them. Regardless of the fact the man going on trial, Osama bin Laden's alleged driver, has a FOURTH GRADE EDUCATION, he has been held for YEARS. Tortured, ridiculed, deprived, confused. It's no longer a debate whether waterboarding is torture amongst Humans. Only amongst those with no respect for Life itself. Just money. Their TRUE RELIGION.

To some this isn't embarrassing, or concerning, or even worth knowing about. Others are aware, but helpless in their quest for leadership and direction. A question to ponder to all points of view is this: What if "THE AMERICAN PEOPLE" are the only People in the World who don't know that we torture and have been torturing ever since the "The American People" existed? Even when masked behind Capitalistic-style, propaganda marketing techniques, torture as defined by the experts in assessing it is firmly defined.. The current bumper sticker slogan is "HARSH INTERROGATION TECHNIQUES." Torture.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -MLK

While we watch the coverage by the Media and lazily take it as Truth, we balance in and out of our Multiverse like a staggering drunk. Lean to the left, "I gotta see if I can get some overtime, so I can buy a little food and afford the gas to drive to work next week;" Lean right, "we're torturing terrorists, that's keeping ME safe, cutting taxes-that's good, gays can't marry, I can keep my gun, life is grand." This American Dream that we doze in and out of, supposedly random acts that will EVENTUALLY work out in our favor, is eerily similar to the religious traditions I'm familiar with. To me dreams imply sleeping, and "out of this world." There's no money there, so it couldn't possibly possess the importance as this state of consciousness, where there's 24-HR ATM's(w/ camera) on practically every corner.

At the same time as we're torturing "evil-doers" and "enemy combatants," there's also another long-practiced tradition that we deem "necessary," that appalls the rest of the Western world. The Death Penalty. And we do this to ourselves. I would challenge anyone who would say that Capital(ism) Punishment is not worse than torture. Many World organizations, including the UN and EU, have repeatedly petitioned the US government to abolish the Death Penalty altogether on moral grounds, but most recently they've called for us to AT LEAST halt executions until we can "root out the racial bias from our Justice System." Basically saying we need Affirmative Actions for White guys to get into prison. Which I'm sure the Prison Industrial Complex will have no problem with.

I won't bore you with incarceration stats, but we have more people in prison than China, by both percentage of population, and actual numbers.

I don't think Bush made the decision to put torture on the table, I think he made the decision to let THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in on "a little secret."


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