Most people have seen SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. It's well-known for the opening battle scene, but that's not the plot. It's fundamentally based on the real story of the 5 SULLIVAN BROTHERS FROM WATERLOO, IOWA. They all served on the same ship (by request.) That ship, USS Juneau, was hit by a torpedo and sunk during the BATTLE OF GUADALCANAL (1942.) There was NO rescue mission, due to the concern of the Japanese presence in the waters. Needless to say NONE of them survived.
As a result of this unprecedented sacrifice, a MYTH called the "SULLIVAN ACT," has been double-spoken. It's basically a moral measuring stick we used to have to keep family members separated to decrease the chances of them both being killed in battle. Still seems to make sense to me. BUT apparently it doesn't to the DoD.
You HAVE TO read this transcript. It's an interview with "Jeff Hubbard, father of Army Cpl. Nathan Hubbard, and with Nathan's brother, Army Spec. Jason Hubbard. Nathan Hubbard, 21, died Aug. 22 in a helicopter crash in northern Iraq. Another brother, Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Hubbard, 22, was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq in 2004. Jason Hubbard served in the same platoon with Nathan."
I have to admit this was difficult to read. It really stirred up some EMOTIONS. A plot that ALONE would make a good book or movie. And although it seems disturbing initially, we've been SO desensitized to war the last couple years that we will eventually move on and remember this story for the GOLD STAR MOM. But it takes an even MORE disturbing twist.
Also, on this helicopter when it crashed was a unit from Hawaii. Several among the 14 who were killed were SET TO TESTIFY IN A TRIAL INVOLVING TORTURE AT ABU-GRAIB!!! WHAT?!?
This is ATROCIOUS behavior. Our leaders are playing WAR GAMES with PEOPLE! Is that not IMPEACHABLE?
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