Although Congress has recently voted and rejected a bill for a 9 MONTH TROOP WITHDRAWAL, the question in this week's Democratic debate was 2013? I have to admit I've been a little "out of it" lately, but when did 2013 become the acceptable date to end the war? On top of that, NO CANDIDATE would commit to THIS date. I try to keep faith in democracy and people, but it's very difficult. We should be outraged by this. Yet we choose to continue practicing America's true religion: PROCRASTINATION!
Another vote that CAN NOT BE IGNORED was the one declaring IRAN'S REVOLUTIONARY GUARD a terrorist group, which is as important as 2002'S VOTE FOR WAR IN IRAQ. That vote gave Bush and Cheney authorization to send our MOST EFFECTIVE DIPLOMATS to communicate to Iran "how things work" on this planet.
Besides the fact that WE CAN'T AFFORD another war, either financially or logistically, it brings to light some serious war crimes about to ensue. It's going to be interesting, and atrocious, how this administration (and those controlling it) is going to justify the treatment of our country's "DETAINEES." For example, THE PATRIOT ACT. We are told by the authors of this act, signed into LAW not 2 months after 9-11-2001, that TORTURE is acceptable because the detainees are not of a specific country's forces. That's the reason they use to ignore THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS. So now that IRAN'S military has been deemed "terrorists," they cannot be tortured in the name of this evil document, USA PATRIOT ACT OF 2001. You can't have it both ways. That's not arrogance; it's a crime.
The very small chance that Hillary had for my vote is gone. How can she laugh and trivialize Gravel's question? He asked THE question. The reason Democrats have any POWER is because we voted to STOP THE WAR! Gravel is a little wacky sometimes, but he's asking the questions that the PRESS should be asking. And I love him for that alone. Is it not a legitimate solution to end the rhetoric and stop the war? VOTE EVERYDAY. That will be FAR more effective and much more powerful than any VETO or EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE.
NOW is the time for YOU to do something. Laws have already been passed whose effects will not be seen for years and decades. If you're truthful with yourself, you can see the changes now. Intellectually, you must consider that authorizing war on Iran, REOPENING FALL OUT SHELTERS, MISTAKENLY TRANSPORTING NUCLEAR WEAPONS, and VP CHENEY'S SECRET MEETING, has some possibilities of dropping a nuclear bomb on Iran, or even worse an American city.
I don't want to lose anybody, so remember POSSIBILITIES are not truth. But to ignore them because of personal feelings is doing yourself an injustice.
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