Tuesday, October 9, 2007

nEgAtIvE mOrAlItY, AbstInEncE, & scIEncE!

To all whom consider themselves RELIGIOUS, this is not an attack on you or your beliefs. I am not writing through MY emotions or feelings. I request you don't read with YOURS. There are some uncomfortable truths we must acknowledge and update to reach our potential as a society. For too long we have avoided productive debate of grievous topics, such as discrimination, oppression, suppression, corruption, and authority.

We're mentally trapped in years past and it's very personal to us all to challenge what we think (without thought.) The programming, the conditioning, the brain-washing- it can NOT be denied. UNLESS you do not believe in SCIENCE. It's critical for us (and future generations) to modernize our brains and habituate to the current political and societal systems and the tactics used therein. We are no longer in the era of the perpetuated guise of "THE AMERICAN FAMILY."

The morals and ethics we use for the basis of our policies are OUTDATED. We need to recognize this and stop our blanket approval of the action of our "leaders." For example, this myth of abstinence being the most effective form of birth control is IRRESPONSIBLE AND IGNORANT. Anyone who doesn't agree, need look no further than the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. AMA's recommendations for Sex Ed include education, along with abstinence. Somehow, this holds no weight with the government and its policies. Probably because it involves educating people and allowing them to make an informed decision. This would go against the policy of "we'll tell you what to think and how to act."

We are enabling our government's double-speak. Forget the sound bites from the news and the headlines from the papers. They are coming from the government! Plus, you can't come to an honest conclusion on ANY topic based on these slogans. If you're views stem from Bill O'Reilly or Jon Stewart, you're not informed. These guys are ENTERTAINERS and cheerleaders to a certain extent. Base your views on people's ACTIONS, not their opinions. Because you're told America is the moral standard for the world DOES NOT make it so.

Let's take a look at RANDALL TOBIAS. Before his resignation because of his involvement with the DC MADAME, he ran the PRESIDENTS EMERCENCY PLAN FOR AIDS RELIEF. As usual, the TITLE of this program makes you feel proud of your country's involvement. But just as usual, the underlying and true intent of the program is to spread Christian values as the highest moral measurement in the world. In order for countries to receive financial aid, they must completely denounce prostitution and pre-marital sex. EVEN if prostitution is already legal and regulated in the country.

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CHANGE is very difficult to accept, especially when it doesn't work in your favor. The refusal to accept change hurts everyone. To think "abstinence-only" is an effective, let alone the ONLY, way to prevent unwanted births is ignorant. This is our country's policy. If you've ever spoken with a teenager, or even BEEN one, you know of the curious and rebellious nature. When told NOT to do something, it becomes the first item on their to-do list. And to think the majority will abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage (CURRENTLY 25-26) is unrealistic. Why not provide adolescents the tools required to make informed decisions based on FACTS and not outdated TRADITIONS? We ALL want to live in a perfect world, but it's IMPOSSIBLE!

The blatant disregard of SCIENCE within in this administration is extremely detrimental to "Joe & Jane Citizen." Basic psychology proves the contradiction of "abstinence-only" education and the countless subliminal sexual innuendos within television, print, and internet programming and advertising. We're such a sexual frustrated society, and it shines bright trough the number of sexual and violent offenses within any period of time within our history.

The political denial of science also works against our best interests on very basic levels. Why are the 10 COMMANDMENTS portrayed from the negative? I truly believe that if communicated positively, "Christians" would be less hypocritical.

Instead of telling people what they SHOULD NOT do, how about telling them what they SHOULD do?


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