Sunday, March 11, 2007


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Hello all! Today's random rambling is gonna be about $MONEY$ But before I get into that, I'd like to pay respects to the dollar above. I actually ordered A LOT of these, so if you want one let me know. Anyway...I found them on this site when I was researching for a paper I HAD to write for a Philosophy class back in 2003, titled "The United States Government and Cocaine." But to make a long story short, this guy Michael C. Ruppert was the one who blew the whistle on the CIA for introducing crAck cOcAInE to South Central Los Angeles in the 80's. And it's fact that said area (along with MILLIONS of other cities) has not yet recovered from the aftermath. And what I got a much better understanding of was what the root cause of this was. Now, I'm sure we all heard of this guy OLLIE NORTH, but not sure why. Well, I'm old, I mean WISE, enough to remember back in the 80's when this fool was on TV all the time...and if you are as WISE as I, you remember he was in court more than thE jUIcE. Bottom line on this: Ollie & R-Double sold drugs to Americans to fund a WAR!

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I'm proud to say that I actually took the picture above. And even though the money wasn't mine, I did have it under my command. I guess I was kinda holding it for the Air Force. But the point of all this is that holding and having control over that much money was as powerful, if not more, than carrying a gun. Both ways too...the way I felt personally, and the way people treated me in return...VERY POWERFUL!

As we all know, the amount of $MONEY$ we have dictates what kind of life we can have in a Capitalist Economy. And doesn't it suck the more you make the more taxes you "have" to pay? That's where I wanna pause for a second...

Does EVERYBODY remember the Boston Tea Party? Well, if you're a little too WISE to remember, it was about being taxed without any representation. Kinda like, "FUCK YOU, PAY ME!" The way I see it, in order to prosper in a capitalist society you need as much cash as possible. And letting the government hold a couple g's of your money all year without paying you any interest is not the right decision. Here's just 2 reasons why: 1) when you owe taxes, YOU'RE PAYING INTEREST on that starting April 16 every year. NO NEGOTIATION! 2) they ARE gaining interest on your money AND funding wars, AND paying companies like THESE no-bid contracts for jobs American Servicemen (and women) used to do. And on top of that, pay the contractors 3-4X as much as the soldiers, marines, airmen, and sea-men <---whY I wOUld nEvEr jOIn thE nAvY--->...oh yeah, they work right beside them doing the same jobs. If that's not supporting the troops...WHOA!---that was a rant...I wanna try & keep this Random Rambling RANTLESS...

...back to the point...use this IRS CALCULATOR to get your W-4 correct. This is the money you need to be saving for your RETIREMENT! Because let's face it, WE'RE NOT GONNA GET SOCIAL SECURITY PERIOD! A very common mistake made by people like me (and probably you too to some extent) is we feel that if we can't put a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT in some sort of savings, then we'll wait 'till we can and put NOTHING away right NOW. TERRIBLE MISTAKE!

BUT, check this out...TIME is far more valuable than money. cOmE hErE, I'll prOvE It...

To those who know me best, this will come as a big shock...BUT I have to actually give some credit where it is due. In 2003, YOUR government not only InvAdEd IrAq On mY 7th yEAr AIr fOrcE AnniversArY, but also did something good. They established the US Financial Literacy & Educational Commission, and their site is excellent for those of you who are not as fascinated with numbers as I. Check it out! GET IN THE KNOW!

And since this is such a rare happening, I might as well have the lightening strike twice. Another kudo for the GOV'T/IRS: sOmEthIng fOr thOsE Of yOU thAt wAnt tO stArt sOmEthIng fOr thE bAbIEs' cOllEgE and get a TAX BREAK at the same time. This is an EDUCATIONAL TRUST that you can switch over to anyone in your family to use for education costs, including ROOM AND BOARD (over half of total costs). So PLEASE start saving NOW...

I'd love to sit in front of this computer ALL DAY, but that wouldn't be right. I do have other things that need tending to. So I'll leave you with this sUpEr nEws!

tIll nExt tImE...

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